Friday, November 27, 2009

2010 Tentative Race Schedule

Well, never got around to writing a full report for R2R2R. In short, it was a great day on the trail - met some great people, had good weather (although a tad bit chilly on the N. Rim) and most important, I just had fun.

Here is a possible race schedule for next year:

Jan - Capital Peak Fat Ass - 34miler

Feb - Hagg Lake - 50K

March - Chuckanut - 50K

April - Peterson Ridge Rumble -60K

May - Pocatello - 50miler

June - Big Horn 100
July - Hardrock 100

August - Cascade Crest 100
September - Wasatch 100

Monday, November 16, 2009

Quick R2R2R Report......

Well, I did the run (starting and ending at the Bright Angel Trailhead) in 10hrs 16mins. A more lengthy report will be posted....hopefully soon.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

R2R2R Run

Getting my gear ready to run the R2R2R (basically running from the south rim of the Grand Canyon, over to the north rim and back to the south rim) this weekend. Still deciding if I'm wanting to go the Kaibab Trail or Bright Angel Trail upon my return to the south rim. The two previous times I've done this run, I've always opted for Bright Angel. Now that it is mid-November and the temps are looking rather "chilly" (my two previous times running this have always been in May) I may just decide on Kaibab.
I'm running with Nathan Spear, an old friend from high school. He and my twin brother battled for the top x-country spot in the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL) back in the early 90's -- while I was sucking wind as a mid-packer. This will be his first R2R2R. He has ran one other run about this same distance, but any one who has run this knows how challenging the R2R2R can be.
We fly out at 0830 Friday and return 1530 Sunday. I'll let every one know how it goes upon my return. Cheers.